Club News
The NSWSKC was established in 1989 by a group of enthusiastic paddlers to further the sport of Sea Kayaking in NSW.
The most important aspects of the Club are the organised trips, training weekends and the club magazine, which is published four times per year. The magazine contains a calendar of activities and, once a year, a contact list of members. This includes a grading scale for participants to determine whether they have suitable skill levels to undertake any particular activity.
Membership of the club puts you in touch with many other paddlers state-wide.
Events and club trips are advertised in the regular magazine (the NSW Sea Kayaker). These trips include training and safety days, day tours and expeditions. In order to take part in club activities, you must be a member of the NSWSKC.
The membership year is from March to end February (to coincide with the annual event Rock'n'Roll). Detailled membership costs are set out on the 'How to Join' page. Should you require any additional information please contact a committee member.
The Club's aims and objectives are:
- to act, through the club's magazine, as a contact point for members' paddling related activities.
- to promote, organize and conduct sea kayaking training programs for all skill levels.
- to liaise with sea kayaking retailers and manufacturers in the design and adoption of quality craft and practical safety ideas.
- to encourage respect for our environment and wild places and the practise of minimum impact camping.
- to represent sea kayakers generally in consultations with government departments at all levels.